zaterdag 17 maart 2012


O children come with me
I will tell you tale of my heart
Listen, One day standing alone near a railway track
I saw little water in an uneven way
Light was making herself up in a rippling mirror
In mean while,  pain threw a stone
T'fell in the pond of my heart
There happend a splash
A qeustion raised in my mind
Why am I a beloved and blessed one
From where this attraction comes
And settels in me
Who has painted my eyes
On a human canvas so beautifully
Who selects most beautiful colors
That a mother's smile  mixed in the tears
stolen from a prayer mat of a father's rooms
Just before dawn
How amazingly He composed
The melodias background of my life
In a childlike music of my daughter's toys
And in the long arrival bells of interpretation
And in the short sad music of the departure of a dream

Pain threw another stone bigger than the former
Water splashed and my eyes could not hold it
I saw, It was light still existing  water was reflecting it
The uneven way was now even

atif waqas

woensdag 14 maart 2012


village is far behind now
voices are still closed today
mother asks to be straight
female youth asks for once, though last
a sinking voice suggests me nothing
my teachers are speaking
here comes an unknown voice
it's mine or is it yours
or you speaks through me

saying; village is for villagers
cities are for citizens
country is for soldiers
streets are for newcomers
corners are for disappearing
old comers
windows are for the eyes
and doors for children
trees are for sparrows
sparrows are for crops
yards are for sunshine
sun is for wet clothes
both of the yards are
for gallery meets them

though here I am alone
alone there was I
I starred windows for years
eyes raise not their lid for me
no more child I am
no more I love the doors
sparrows feel not my heart
they know mere to chirp
order they know not

though village is far behind
voices are still close

Het verloop van een droom

Hoe kan ik voorkomen dat jij gouden weer draagt
Hoe kan ik gespiegelde kleding dragen
Voor al het verborgen onheil in weer dat jij draagt
Kan ten toon gespreid worden
Nu vind ik jou nergens
O mijn genezer wat verstoppertje speel jij
Kom voor een avond en sloop alle takken van mijn ego
Of zet het om in beekjes naar onpeilbare zee.

Ik weet, de donkere nacht met al zijn rust is aan het verdwijnen
Duisternis werpt zich voortdurend af en een kanaal van licht komt tevoorschijn
Ik weet, dromen van jeugd worden voortdurend opgenomen in jouw stille ogen
En mijn avond is nog steeds aan het slapen op jou w wimpers
Hoe kan ik jouw ogen aanraken
Wie kan een muur oprichten in het verloop van een droom?